
I Am an Individual Expression of God

The consciousness of the omnipresence of God befriends without weakening;
Stimulates without intoxicating;
Leads without driving;
Does not play upon natural fear,
Furnishes ground upon which to walk, rather than arms in which to be carried;
Strengthens impotent feet;
Feeds starved minds; and nourishes impoverished souls;
Consciousness of the omnipresence of God declares a salvation for all men;
It points directly to the individual and says,
Thou art an individualized expression of God.


Make Your List And Check It Twice

The end of another year and this is a perfect way to make your resolutions. Take out a piece of paper and write down the following two questions; then give them some thought, reflection and dare to dream.
3 Things I  Most Wish For In My Life
3 Things I Most Want Removed From My Life, then claim:

I claim definitly that the Great Creative Life Force of the universe is bringing each of the first three things on my list into my life in it's own way, in it's own time and in it's own form.

I claim definitly that the Great Creative Life Force of the universe is dissolving each of the last three things on my list from my life in it's own way, in it's own time and in it's own form.

Thank You
Do this often with gratitude, then give it no more thought.


Woke up to a fine coat of snow covering and a sparkling sun and I say Thank You! Our pilated woodpecker is back, she is about 18" long and loves suet! Today is communion with the Angel of Earth and our sabbath so pray, eat, love!

To lift your eyes to heaven when all mens' eyes are on the ground, is not easy.
To worship at the feet of the angels when all men worship only fame and riches, is not easy. But the most difficult of all is to think the thoughts of the angels, to speak the words of the angels, and to do as angels do.

The following is a short morning prayer to the Guardian Angel (from a Russian prayer book): 

Angel of God, my holy protector, given to me from heaven by God for my protection, I fervently beseech you: enlighten me and preserve me from all evil, instruct me in good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.


Monday Morning Communion with the Angel of Life

God wrote the Holy Law in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the Living God..

We are grateful, Heavenly Father, for the vigor of health, health of the body, bright and clear-eyed, with swiftness of foot, quick hearing of the ears, strength of the arms and eye-sight of the eagle. We are grateful for all the manifold gifts of Life.

Paraphrased and rendered in contemporary language from The Essene Gospel of peace, Book 3
By Izora Woods



The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 3 has the following meditation dedicated to our Brother the Tree! The introduction states: from the remote ages of antiquity a remarkable teaching has existed which is universal in its application and ageless in its wisdom...dating back some eight or ten thousand years. Some of the symbols, such as for the sun, moon, air, water and other natural forces, are from an even earlier age preceding the cataclysm that ended the Pleistocene period. How many thousands of years previous to that the teaching existed is unknown. To study and practice this teaching is to reawaken within the heart of every man an intuitive knowledge that can solve his individual problems and the problems of the world.

Go towards the high growing trees, and before one of them which is beautiful, high growing and mighty, say thou these words: Hail be unto Thee! O good living Tree, made by the Creator.

In the days of old when Creation was young the earth was filled with giant trees; whose branches soared above the clouds and in them dwelled our Ancient Fathers, they who walked with the Angels and lived by the Holy Law. In the shadow of their branches all men lived in peace, and wisdom and knowledge was theirs.

Through the forests flowed the Eternal River and in the center stood the Tree of Life that was not hidden from them. They ate from the table of the Earthly Mother and slept in the arms of the Heavenly Father; their covenant was for eternity with the Holy Law. In that time the trees were the brothers of men, and their span on the earth was very long. As long as the Eternal River which flowed without ceasing from the Unknown Spring.

Now the desert sweeps the earth with burning sand. The giant trees are dust and ashes and the wide river is a pool of mud. For the sacred covenant with the Creator was broken by the sons of men, and they were banished from their home of trees. Now the path leading to the Tree of Life is hidden from the eyes of men and sorrow fills the empty sky where once the lofty branches soared.

Come now the Children of Light to labor in the Garden of the Brotherhood. The seed they plant in the barren soil will become a mighty forest, and trees shall multiply and spread their wings of green until the whole earth be covered once again. The whole earth shall be a garden and the tall trees shall cover the land.

In that day shall sing the Children of Light a new song: My brother Tree! Let me not hide myself from you, but let us share the breath of life which our Earthly Mother has given to us. More beautiful than the finest jewel of the rug maker's art is the carpet of green leaves under my bare feet; more majestic than the silken canopy of the rich merchant is the tent of branches above my head through which the bright stars give light. The wind among the leaves of the cypress makes a sound like a chorus of angels. Through the rugged oak and royal cedar the Earthly Mother has sent a message of Eternal Life to the Heavenly Father. My prayer goes forth unto the tall trees: and their branches reaching skyward shall carry my voice to the Heavenly Father.

For each child thou shalt plant a tree that the womb of the Earthly Mother shall bring forth life, as the womb of woman does bring forth life. He who does destroy a tree has cut off his own limbs.

Thus shall sing the Children of Light, when the earth again shall be a garden: Holy Tree, divine gift of the Law! Thy majesty reunites all those who have strayed from their true home, which is the Garden of the Brotherhood. All men will become brothers once again under your spreading branches. As the Heavenly Father has loved all his children, so shall we love and care for the trees that grow in our land, so shall we keep and protect them, that they may grow tall and strong, and fill the earth again with their beauty.

For the trees are our brothers, and as brothers, we shall guard and love one another.

Paraphrased and rendered in contemporary language from The Essene Gosple of Peace, Book 3 By Izora Woods


Thursday Morning Communion with the Angel of Water

From the Heavenly Sea the waters run and flow forward to the dry and barren desert that she might bring forth a garden and a green place; tree filled and fragrant with flowers. Cast yourself into the enfolding arms of the Angel of Water, for she shall take from you all that is unclean. The gentle rain does kiss the earth and a river runs through the forest; it is the Holy Law and all creatures depend on it; it denies nothing to any being. The Law is to the world of men what the great river is to streams and brooks and the rivers of waters in a dry place are as the Brothers who bring the Holy Law to the world of men.
From the Heavenly Sea flow all the waters that spread over all the seven kingdoms, both in summer and winter. This sea purifies the seed in males, the wombs in females and the milk in mothers breasts. This sea flows unrestrained unto the big-seeded corn fields, unto the small-seeded pastures that give food to the Children of Light.

Oh Holy Angel of Water! You who give both splendor and glory and health and vigor to the body. You who give a long and enduring life to the Children of Light, and you who give the Heavenly Sea thereafter through all eternity. We worship all the holy waters which quench the thirst of the earth and all creatures therein. Let the floods clap their hands and let the hills be joyful together. We are thankful to you, and we bless your name Angel of Water. A flood of love welleth up from the hidden places on the earth. I am blessed in the Holy Water of Life.

Paraphrased and rendered in contemporary language from The Essene Gospel of Peace By Izora Woods


My Dedication

The way of love, upon which I may step at any moment - at this moment if I like - requires no formal permit, has no entrance feeor any conditions whatever. I need no expensive labratory in which to train, because my own daily life, and my ordinary daily surroundings, are my labratory. All I need to do is begin to steadfastly reject from my mentality everything that is contrary to the law of love. I  will build up by faithful daily exercise the true Love Consciousness. Love will heal me. Love will comfort me. Love will guide me. Love will illlumine me. Love will redeem me from sickness and death and lead me to my promised land.
I will say to myself: My mind is made up; I have counted the cost; and I am resolved to attain the goal by the path of love. Others may pursue knowledge, or organize great enterprises for the benifit of humanity, or scale the austere heights of asceticism; but I have chosen the path of Love. My own heart will be my workshop, my labratory, my great enterprise, and love is to be my contribution to humanity.

I love you


The Law Is the Living Word

The law is the living word of a living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God.

Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his whole body. Purify the temple that the Lord may dwell within and occupy a place worthy of him.

Angel of Air: my body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and my spirit breathes the truth of the Heavenly Father

Angel of Water: I receive my blood from our Earthly Mother and the truth from our Heavenly Father

Angel of Sunlight: my body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and my spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father

The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren. Holy, likewise, is their embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do not cast aside those whom earth and heaven have made. Let these three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you.

Paraphrased and rendered in contemporary language from The Essene gospel of Peace, Book 1
By Izora Woods


Friday Evening Communion with the Heavenly Father

The Heavenly Father who is, who was and who ever shall be. O Great Creator! Thou did create the Heavenly Angels, and thou did reveal the Heavenly Laws! Thou art my refuge and my fortress. Thou art from everlasting Lord; thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou had formed the earth, even from everlasting to everlasting. Thou art God, who have made the waters, and who made the plants.

Who to the wind have yoked the storm-clouds, the swift and even the fleetest?

Who, O Great Creator is the fountain of Eternal Life within our souls?

Who have made the Light and the Darkness? Who have made sleep and the zest of the waking hours?

Who spread the noontides and the midnight?

Thou, O Great Creator! Thou hast made the earth by thy power, have established the world by thy wisdom, and have stretched out the heavens by thy love.

Do thou reveal unto me, O Heavenly Father, thy nature, which is the power of the Angels of thy Holy Kingdom. Immortality and the Heavenly order have thou given O Creator, and the best of all things, thy Holy Law! I will praise thy works with songs of thanksgiving, continually, in all the generations of time. With the coming of day I embrace my Mother, with the coming of night, I join my Father, and with the outgoing of evening and morning I will breathe Their Law. And I will not interrupt these Communions until the end of time.

And over heaven and earth there was a great silence, and the peace of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother shone over the heads of Jesus and the multitude.

Thursday Evening Communion with the Angel of Wisdom

The Angel of Wisdom, you who makes man free from fear, wide of heart, and easy of conscience. Holy Wisdom, the understanding that unfolds, continuously, as a holy scroll, yet does not come through learning. All wisdom comes from the Heavenly Father, and is with him forever.

Who can number the sands of the sea and the drops of rain, and the days of eternity? Who can find out the height of heaven, and the breadth of the earth? Who can tell the beginning of wisdom?

Wisdom hath been created before all things. He who is without wisdom is like unto him that saith to the wood, 'Awake', and to the dumb stone, 'Arise, and teach!' So are his words empty, and his deeds harmful, as a child who brandishes his father's sword and knoweth not its cutting edge. But the crown of wisdom makes peace and perfect health to flourish, both of which are the gifts of God.

O thou Heavenly Order! Angel of Wisdom! I will worship thee and the Heavenly Father, because of you the River of Thought within us is flowing towards the Holy Sea of Eternity.

Wednesday Evening Communion with the Angel of Love

Angel of Love whose healing waters flow in a never-ending stream from the Sea of Eternity. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of the Heavenly Father, and every one that loves is born of the Heavenly Order and knows the Angels. For without love, a man's heart is parched and cracked as the bottom of a dry well, and his words are empty as a hollow gourd. But loving words are as a honeycomb sweet to the soul; loving words in a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of love as a flowing brook.

Yes, it was said in the ancient times: love thy brothers as thyself; the Heavenly Father is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in the Heavenly Father, and the Heavenly Father in him. He that loves not is as a wandering bird cast out of the nest; for him the grass faileth and the stream has a bitter taste. And if a man says, I love the Heavenly Father but hate my brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love the Heavenly Father whom he has not seen? By this we know the Children of Light: those who walk with the Angel of Love, for they love the Heavenly Father, and they love their brethren, and they keep the Holy Law. Love is stronger than the currents of deep waters: Love is stronger than death.

Tuesday Evening Communion with the Angel of Power

Angel of Power, you who fills the sun with heat, and guides the hand of man in all his works. Thine O Heavenly Father was the power, when thou did order a path for each of us. Through thy power will my feet tread the path of the Law; through thy power will my hands perform thy works. May the golden river of power always flow from thee to me, and may my body always turn unto thee, as the flower turns unto the sun. For there is no power save that from the Heavenly Father; all else is but a dream of dust, a cloud passing over the face of the sun. There is no man that hath power over the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death. Only that power which comes from God can carry us out from the City of Death. Guide our works and deeds, O Angel of Power, Holy messenger of the Heavenly Father!


Hail Unto Thee O Brother

My property has many young oak trees. Oaks have been known to live for a thousand years, there are some trees that have lived over five thousand years and the known worlds current Oldest Living Tree is 9,950 years old! Some of the oak trees I live with are the ancestors of trees born as the glacial Lake Agassiz receeded north. Seeds arriving on the wind or released from the depths?

Think for a moment; trees are life that experience childhoods that last centuries. Their lives outlive all the generations of modern man. Canada is younger than most of the trees remaining in her old growth forests, forests now scarred and bereft. These forests that lived since the eve of the last ice age, imagine what sights they have seen; the birth of stars and the death of comets and the ever changing story of life.

Then along came we, the intelligent, the enlightened, the dominant. We celebrate the tree, yes we do. We build fine furniture and proudly sell it as solid oak or mahogany and to prove our awe of the magesty of the mighty, life giving tree; we bore a hole through her bowels and drive our cars through. O grandmother. We rape and pillage you and your young then build houses and fences to protect ourselves from you.

We the dominant species - the survivors in the contest to see who is fittest. We have earned a good spanking, just like naughty children, we act impulsively, sheepishly and against our own best interest in spite of every indicator we are wrong. Just like days of old?

Why do we have to believe that we either evolved through evolution or we were created for and evicted from the Garden of Eden? If we don't sit on one or the other of those extremes, then we probably don't give the question much thought at all. Doesn't that seem a bit limiting a concept for the great We? So either we imagine we have existed only since the earth recovered from the destruction that saw the loss of the dinosaur. And that somehow, apes transformed over time and one extremely smart version evolved into us; the great We. Or the other absurd theory that suddenly into the midst of an age that saw the great wholly mammoth, some 2-3 million years ago God decides to plop man? I mean where do you think they went after they were evicted from the Garden? Motel 8? Or some desert hut complete with instruction manuals how to forage, prepare and store foods, then promptly set up shop writing down our history?

No matter which side you are one, one thing is certain, is still took us maybe one and a half million years to discover fire. How did we survive? We must have been stupid to live for over a million years without fire, thus without meat. Or perhaps we lived like our Brother the tree, in communion with our Mother, faithful that our Mother would support us, She the giver of life.

Living tree. Forests where the young can thrive and grow for centuries, the elders for millennium in joy. Never divergent from your faith, baring your arms, stretching them high as the fall winds blow over you. Faith that the Mother has provided you the sustanance you need and faith you will hear springs song called on the wings of a bird. Roots reaching deep into the Mothers breast, toes stretched out like the neurons, communicating, stretched forth in comfort and support, communing for all the generations of man.

Why don't you think on this question? How come man ended up living in a cave again? Living in small family groups, telling stories, passing on tradition. stories about great beasts: horned, winged, flying, gigantic, colorful, eclectic beasts! Beasts and peoples, creatures that take place on other worlds and in other times.

It is my guess is that we ended up in caves last time, just the same way we seem to be headed for them again. And we are not stopping our shopping long enought to ask ourselves some very important questions. Why don't we change in light of all the scientific certainty that this planet and the life on in are in dire consequences? If the predictions are right what does that mean to my future and that of my family? Think on it; here in Manitoba we are passing a law to allow a corporation take over the stewardship of our water! A corporation is like a virus and lives only to survive and now water is a comodity? Water should be understood as a gift of life meant for all to share. What does that mean to you as we continue to pollute our lakes and rivers, producing all the stuff we need to generate all the stuff to shop for?

My Brother the tree, hail unto thee. You live in harmony with your mother and your brothers, you know that always a seed will survive, the day will come and you will live again. O smart and wise tree who understands from where life comes. who trusts our Earthly Mother to provide long life. I see you retreat everyday from man's intrusion, you prepare, you dig underground.

Now think for a moment, that somewhere a pocket of safety exists and a seed of humanity will survive. They will live in caves and tell stories of great flying machines, famous men, wars and wonderous beasts, they will try to warn the future through parables, warn of the dangers that lurk in the hearts of man and warn of the death that comes from living outside the Law. We are the Children of an Earthly Mother and everything we do to her, we do to ourselves also, her death will be our death. For her breath is my breath, her blood my blood.

I wonder did Nostradamus dream of the future or remember a past? A past before we ended up in caves again. While our Brother the Tree keeps watch.


Sunday Evening Communion with the Angel of Creative Work

Angel of Work who sings in the humming of the bee, pausing not in its making of golden honey; in the flute of the shepherd, who sleeps not lest his flock go astray; in the song of the maiden as she lays her hand to the spindle. If you think that these are not as fair in the eyes of the Lord as the loftiest of prayers echoed from the highest mountain, and then you do indeed err for the honest work of humble hands is a daily prayer of thanksgiving, and the music of the plough is a joyful song unto the Lord. He who eats the bread of idleness must die of hunger, for a field of stones can yield only stones. For him is the day without meaning, and the night a bitter journey of evil dreams. But he who walks with the Angel of Work has within him a field always fertile, where corn and grapes and all manner of sweet-scented herbs and flowers grow in abundance. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. The Son of Man who has found his task shall not ask any other blessing.

Honor thy Earthly Mother

I am one with the Earthly Mother; she is in me, and I am in her. Of her was I born, in her do I live, and to her shall I return again. I honour my Earthly Mother and I keep her laws so I will live long, and be happy. For my breath is your breath, my blood is your blood, my bone is your bone, my flesh is your flesh, my eyes and my ears, are your eyes and your ears.

O Earthly Mother! Always am I embraced by you, always am I surrounded by your beauty, never can I part from you. For my breath is your breath, my blood is your blood, my bone is your bone, my flesh is your flesh, my eyes and my ears, are your eyes and your ears. In this manner I do pray:

Our Mother which art upon earth, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, and your will be done in us, as it is in thee. As thou send every day your angels, send them to us also. Forgive us our sins, as we atone all our sins against thee. And lead us not into sickness, but deliver us from all evil, for thine is the earth, the body, and the health. Amen.



The Izora Woods Post: Daniel Quinn new web site

The Izora Woods Post: Daniel Quinn new web site

This is the author of Ishmael, very interesting man and extremely interesting philosophy on man's place on the earth.


Your body was not made only to breath, eat, and think, but was also made to enter the Holy Stream of Life. Your ears were made not only to hear the words of men, the song of birds, and the music of the falling rain, but they were also made to hear the Holy Stream of Sound. Your eyes were made not only to see the rising sun and the setting of the sun, the ripple of the sheaves of grain, and the beauty of a picture, but they were also made to see the Holy Stream of Light. One day your body will return to the Earthly Mother, even also your ears and your eyes. But the Holy Stream of Life, the Holy Stream of Sound and the Holy Stream of Light, these were never born and can never die.

Paraphrased and rendered in contemporary language from Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4 By Izora Woods


I want to and will do my best to perfect my body which acts, my body which feels and my body which thinks


Thursday Morning Communion with the Angel of Water

From the Heavenly Sea the waters run and flow forward to the dry and barren desert that the Angel of Water might bring forth a garden and a green place, tree filled and fragrant with flowers. Cast thyself into the enfolding arms of the Angel of Water; for she will cast out from thee all that is unclean.
The Heavenly sea flows unrestrained unto the whole of the earthly world. A thousand pure springs run toward the pastures that give food to the Children of Light. The holy Angel of Water gives health and vigor to the body, a long and enduring life and the Heavenly Sea thereafter through all eternity.
Let my love flow toward thee, Heavenly Father, as the river flows to the sea. And let thy love flow to me Heavenly Father, as the gentle rain kisses the earth.


Tuesday Morning Communion with the Angel of Joy

Angel of Joy, who descends upon the earth, pouring forth beauty and delight to all the children of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father.
Go forth into the fields of flowers after a rain and give thanks to your Earthly Mother for the sweet odour of blossoms; for a flower has no other purpose that to bring joy to the hearts of the Son of Man. Listen with new ears to the song of the birds and see with new eyes the colors of the sun in its rising and its setting. All these gifts of the Earthly Mother will cause joy to well forth within you, as a spring wells forth of a sudden in a barren place. Know that no one comes before the Heavenly Father that the Angel of Joy lets not pass; for in joy was the earth created, and in joy did the Earthly mother and the heavenly Father give birth to the Son of Man.


Today is the day of my amazing food fortune!

God has not made you without a definite purpose in view. The Universe is a universe; that is, it is a unified harmony, a divine scheme. It could not happen therefore, that God could create a spiritual entity such as you are, without having a special purpose in view. Whatever that place may be, there is only one person who can fill it perfectly. But how are we to find this place in life? Is there any means whereby you may discover what it really is that God wishes you to do? The answer is divinely simple - already from time to time, God himself has whispered into your heart just that very wonderful thing, nothing less that what is called your heart's desire. The most secret wish that lies at the bottom of your heart, that is just the thing that God is wishing you to do or to be for Him. And the birth of that wish in your soul was the voice of God Himself telling you to arise and come up higher because He had need of you.
Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart (Psalm 37:4)


When you open your eyes in the morning

I enter the eternal and infinite garden of mystery
My spirit in oneness with the Heavenly Father
My body in oneness with my Earthly Mother
My heart in harmony with my Brothers, the Sons of Men
Dedicating my spirit, my body and
My heart to the pure and saving Teaching.


Earthly Mother Meditation

Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you and gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease, for the power of our Mother is above all.

The blood which runs in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds; leaps from the womb of the earth; babbles in the brooks of the mountains; flows wide in the rivers of the plains; sleeps in the lakes; and rages mightily in tempestuous seas.

The air which we breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath is azure in the heights of the heavens; soughs in the tops of the mountains; whispers the leaves of the forest; billows over the cornfields; slumbers in the deep valleys, and burns hot in the desert.

The hardness of our bones is born of the bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones. They stand naked to the heavens on the tops of mountains; are as giants that lie sleeping on the sides of the mountains, as idols set in the desert, and are hidden in the deepness of the earth.

The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother; whose flesh waxes yellow and red in the fruits of the trees, and nurtures us in the furrows of the fields.

Our bowels are born of the bowels of our Earthly Mother, and are hid from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.

The light of our eyes, the hearing of our ears, both are born of the colors and the sounds of our Earthly Mother; which enclose us about, as the waves of the sea a fish, as the eddying air a bird.

Keep, therefore, her laws, for none can live long, neither be happy, but he who honors his Earthly Mother and does her laws. For your breath is her breath; your blood her blood; your bone her bone; your flesh her flesh; your bowels her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and her ears.


Friday Morning Communion with the Angel of Air, Breath!

Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall you find the Angel of Air. Then breathe long and deeply, that the Angel of Air may be brought within you and the Angel of Air shall cast out of your body all uncleannesses. Holy is the Angel of Air, who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. Truly, all must be born again by air and by truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breathes the truth of the Heavenly Father.


Angel of Water, Holy Messenger of the Earthly Mother, enter the blood that flows through me, Wash my body in the rain that falls from heaven, and give me the Water of Life.


And Jesus said: After this manner, pray to your Heavenly Father:

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen

And after this manner pray to your Earthly Mother:

Our Mother which art upon earth, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, and thy will be done in us, as it is in thee. As thou sends every day thy angels, send them to us also. Forgive us our sins, as we atone all our sins against thee. And lead us not into sickness, but deliver us from all evil, for thine is the earth, the body, and the health. Amen.

Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in the plain path ... (Psalm 27:11)


Monday Morning Communion with the Angel of Life

Be grateful to thy Creator, for He hath given you life and the law is life, it is found in the grass, in the trees, in the river, in the mountains, in the birds of heaven, in the forest creatures and the fishes of the sea; but it is found chiefly in yourselves. All living things are near to God who so made life and all living things that they might by the everliving Word teach the laws of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit.

We are grateful, Heavenly Father for the Angel of Life who enters with strength the limbs of my body. Grateful for the vigour of health, health of the body, wise, bright and clear-eyed, with swiftness of foot, quick hearing of the ears, strength of the arms and eye-sight of the eagle.

For all the manifold gifts of life, we worship the Angel of Life and the Holy Light of the Heavenly Order. We do worship the fire, the good and the friendly, the fire of life. The most beneficial and the most helpful, Angel Life!

Sunday Morning Communion with the Angel of Earth

Angel of Earth, she who brings forth corn and grapes from the fullness of the earth, she who brings children from the loins of husband and wife. He who would till the earth, with the left arm and the right, unto him will she bring forth an abundance of fruit and grain, golden-hued plants growing up from the earth during the spring, as far as the earth extends, as far as the rivers stretch, as far as the sun rises, to impart their gifts of food unto men. This wide earth do I praise, expanded far with paths, the productive, the full-bearing, Thy Mother, Holy Plant! Yea, I praise the lands where thou dost grow sweet-scented and swiftly spreading the good growth of the Lord. He who sows corn, grass and fruit, soweth the Law and his harvest shall be bountiful, and his crop shall be ripe upon the hills as a reward for the followers of the Law. The Lord sent the Angel of Earth, Holy Messenger of the Earthly Mother to make the plants to grow, and to make fertile the womb of woman, that the earth may never be without the laughter of children. Let us worship the Lord in Her!

Angel of Earth makes fruitful my seed, and with your power give life to my body.

Even as your seed creates new life, so courses through the earth the seed of the Angel of Earth: in the grass, in the soil, in all living things that grow from the soil. Know, oh Sons of Light, that the same Angel of Earth that makes your seed into sons also makes the tiny acorn into this mighty oak, and makes the seed-bearing wheat to grow for bread for the Son of Man.


21 Day Cleanse Shopping & Eating Ideas

Pick up some humus and flax crackers, walnuts, steel cut oats, sweet potato, veggies, soy milk, peppers, mixed grain hot cereals, rice cakes, apple butter, rice bread,  yams, grains like brown rice, quinia, almonds, cashews, soy nuts, seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, almond butter tahini , beans, black beans, lentils, chickpeas, lima beans, black eyed peas, tofu, pasta sauce, mushrooms, herbal teas, sweeteners like agave nectar, garlic, sea salt, flours to cook or bake with, bean, pea, soy, potato, buckwheat, rice, popcorn, corn chips, salsa, guacamole, there is lots to eat you just have to get use to thinking differently about what a meal should consist of.  A salad with humus, guacamole, and rice crackers or corn chips is a meal!!  Today I'm going to toast some rice bread top it with avocado and tomato it's delicious and if you have a salad with it it's a meal.   Keep your diet simple and don't worry so much about plating your food to resemble a typical meal.  Think 5 or 6 small meals through the day, with some snacks, you won't be hungry.  Get some organic peanut butter spread that on a rice cake and top it with apple butter it's really good and will fill you up. 

Cherry Coconut Breakfast Bars (you can eat these as snacks as well)
½ cup vegan butter (or just use regular for this first cleanse remember your leaning into wellness.)

½ cup agave nectar (you can get this at super store in the organic section)

2 1/4 cups steel-cut oats (uncooked)

1 cup shredded coconut

1 tsp baking powder

3 tbsp. Sesame seeds

½ cup pitted prunes, chopped

½ cup dried apricots, chopped

½ cup dried cherries

1 banana, smashed well against the side of a bowl

2 eggs or egg replacer

Preheat oven to 350

Put the butter and agave in a small pan over medium heat and stir until melted. In a large bowl, mix the oats, coconut, baking powder, and sesame seeds.  Add the fruit and mix well. Gently fold in the prepared egg replacer or beaten eggs. Add the agave mixture and banana and mix. Pour into a square baking pan. Bake for 25 minutes until cooked through.  Let cool, remove from the pan, and cut into rectangular bars

Makes 9 bars

Friday Morning Communion with the Angel of Air

She who spreads the perfume of sweet-smelling fields, of spring grass after rain, of the opening buds of the rose. We worship the Holy Breath which is placed higher than all the other things created. For, lo, the eternal and sovereign luminous space, where rule the unnumbered stars, is the air we breathe in and the air we breathe out. In the moment betwixt the breathing in and the breathing out is hidden all the mysteries of the Infinite Garden.

Angel of Air, Holy messenger of the Earthly Mother, enter deep within me, as the swallow plummets from the sky, that I may know the secrets of the wind and the music of the stars.

Angel of Air, enter with my breath and give the Air of Life to my body

Know, oh Sons of Light, that the Angel of Air is the messenger of the Heavenly Father, and no one comes before the face of God that the Afridayngel of Air let's not pass. For we do not think of the Angel of Air when we breathe, for we breathe without thought, as the sons of darkness live their lives without thought. But when the power of life enters into your words and into your breathing, then for every time you invoke the Angel of Air, so do you also invoke the unknown angels of the Heavenly Father; and you will go closer and closer to the heavenly kingdoms.


Thursday Morning Communion with the Angel of Water

She who makes the rain to fall on the plain, who fills the dry well to overflowing, Yea, we do worship thee, water of life from the heavenly sea where the waters run and flow forward from the never-failing springs. In my blood flow a thousand pure springs, and vapours, and clouds, and all the waters that spread over all the Seven Kingdoms. All the waters the Creator have made are Holy. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. Angel of Water, Holy Messenger of the Earthly Mother, enter the blood that flows through me, Wash my body in the rain that falls from heaven, and give me the Water of Life.

Angel of Water, enter my blood and give the Water of Life to my body

And you will feel like the rushing current of the river, as the power of the Angel of Water enters your blood, and like the rivulets of a stream, sends the power of the Earthly Mother through your blood to all the parts of your body. And it shall be for healing, for the power of the Angel of Water is very great, and when you speak to her, she will send her power wherever you command, for when the Angels of God dwell within the Son of Man, are all things possible.


Tuesday Morning Communion with the Angel of Joy

Angel of Joy

She who descends upon earth to give beauty to all men. For the Lord is not worshipped with sadness, or with cries of despair. Leave off your moans and lamentations, and sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord and all the earth. Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, let the fields be joyful and let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be joyful together before the Lord. For you shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing.

Angel of Joy, Holy messenger of the Earthly Mother, I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.


Monday Morning Communion with the Angel of Life

The Angel of Life

She who gives strength and vigour to man. For, lo, if the wax is not pure, how then can the candle give a steady flame? Go, then, toward the high-growing trees, and before one of them which is beautiful, high-growing and mighty, Say these words: 'Hail be unto thee! O good, living tree, made by the Creator!' Then the River of Life shall flow between you and your Brother, the Tree. Then health of the body, swiftness of foot, quick hearing of the ears, and strength of the arms and eyesight of the eagle will be yours. Such is the Communion with the Angel of Life, Holy messenger of the Earthly Mother.