
I Am an Individual Expression of God

The consciousness of the omnipresence of God befriends without weakening;
Stimulates without intoxicating;
Leads without driving;
Does not play upon natural fear,
Furnishes ground upon which to walk, rather than arms in which to be carried;
Strengthens impotent feet;
Feeds starved minds; and nourishes impoverished souls;
Consciousness of the omnipresence of God declares a salvation for all men;
It points directly to the individual and says,
Thou art an individualized expression of God.


Make Your List And Check It Twice

The end of another year and this is a perfect way to make your resolutions. Take out a piece of paper and write down the following two questions; then give them some thought, reflection and dare to dream.
3 Things I  Most Wish For In My Life
3 Things I Most Want Removed From My Life, then claim:

I claim definitly that the Great Creative Life Force of the universe is bringing each of the first three things on my list into my life in it's own way, in it's own time and in it's own form.

I claim definitly that the Great Creative Life Force of the universe is dissolving each of the last three things on my list from my life in it's own way, in it's own time and in it's own form.

Thank You
Do this often with gratitude, then give it no more thought.